The new "super pantry" will operate very differently than our current operation - and from other pantries. You will be able to choose all your food BUT you will need an appointment to visit. Every month, you will get a number of points to "spend" on items in the pantry. The amount of points you receive will depend on your household size and other factors.
Our plans might change as we get closer to opening. So check back here often and make sure you are signed up to our text messaging service.
When Will You Be Open
We plan on opening in early February. As soon as we have a firm date, you will be able to make an appointment for your first visit. If you need food while we are closed, there is a list of other food pantries here.
How Do I Make An Appointment?
You will be able to make an appointment here on our website - either using your phone or a computer. If you have not visited us before, you will need to make an appointment to register with us first.
Why Do I Need An Appointment?
The super pantry will offer a much improved "shopping" experience. But only if we spread out guest visits throughout the day.
What Happens If I Visit Without An Appointment Or At The Wrong Time?
You will not be able to collect food.
How Much Food Can I Receive?
Every household will be given a certain number of "points" each month. Each item in the super pantry will "cost" points. How much food you receive will depend on how you "spend" your points.
How Many Times Can I Visit?
Currently, three times per month (a home delivery or an appointment at Terrace Place also counts as a visit). This policy can change and we can make exceptions if appropriate. Do not make an appointment if you have already visited the maximum number of times that month.
Do I Need ID?
Yes. You need to bring an official picture ID such as a driving license or passport. You will also need your Daily Bread scan card (issued when you registered with us).
What Else Do I Need To Bring?
The first time you visit, you need to bring a proof of address (e.g. a recent utility bill or bank statement). A driver's license is acceptable provided it shows your current address. You will also need to bring proof of the number of people in your household.
Can Anyone Get Food?
No. Your income must be below certain levels, depending on how many people live with you. See HERE for more details.
Can I Park Onsite?
Yes, we have ample parking for the number of appointments allowed each hour.
Do You Speak Spanish Or Portuguese?
We usually have Spanish and Portuguese-speaking volunteers who can help. If not, we have state-of-the-art translation tools available.
Will I Be Reported To The Government If I Get Food?