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We at Daily Bread don't like to hog the spotlight, but once-in-a-while fame is thrust upon us.


Our new super pantry at 125 Park Avenue has received a lot of media attention. 


​As the headline suggests, it will be a game-changer for Danbury's response to food and nutrition insecurity. Not just in terms of physical size and opening hours, but in its innovative operating model and food-as-preventative-medicine thinking.

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Given the record numbers we were seeing at our regular distributions leading up to Thanksgiving, we planned for a record number of visitors to the Pantry at our special distribution on November 21. 


We had 435 turkeys on hand and 100 chickens (for those living alone). Plus of course produce, pies and all the trimmings. We stopped counting once all the birds were gone - though we still had other festive food to hand out to latecomers. Any way you look at it, comfortably a new one-day distribution record.

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Some more facts and figures in this one.

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Daily Bread has been at the forefront of re-thinking what real "client choice" should look like in the pandemic and post-pandemic environment. In October 2022, Food Bank News highlighted our introduction of new food delivery models that balance the massive increase in demand seen since 2020 with the continuing need to provide a welcoming and dignified atmosphere to those seeking our help.

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In September 2022, the White House held its first conference in over 50 years to seek new ways to address food insecurity in the United States. The headline $8 billion commitment sounds good - but reading a little deeper, it is not likely to provide much relief any time soon to help us respond to the current unprecedented demand.


At least the News-Times let us vent a little.

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Daily Bread was the featured Pantry in a News-Times article about the increase in demand for help we have seen since the beginning of 2022. Click on the picture to read the online version of the story (hopefully it is not behind a paywall). If it is, you can click on this link to get the gist of it and see some of the pictures.


In an extraordinary coincidence, the same edition's front page also included an unrelated story about charter schools - with a picture of Daily Bread Board member Sandra Ferreira!



The John Oliver Saga

In what must have been one of the bizarrest stories of the pandemic, talk-show host John Oliver took it upon himself to launch a random attack on the City of Danbury. Mayor Mark Boughton wasn't going to take that lying down, and much hilarity ensued. 


A truce was finally arranged, the terms of which involved Mr.  Oliver donating a large sum to Connecticut food insecurity charities, some of which found its way to the Pantry.


Click on the picture for NBC CT's coverage of all this (Daily Bread content starts at 1:20).

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A 2020 News-Times article reported on the "staggering" need for our help at Thanksgiving. Click on the picture to read the article.


©2020 - 2025 Daily Bread Food Pantry |  Danbury, CT

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